Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Alright herbalists:
I think you can become an author of this blog if you set up a blogger account.  
Then, a current author such as myself or those who I just invited to be authors can invite you to be an author, too.  This way, we can all post our fabulous pictures, insights, and scribbles here.
Yay!  Is it finally happening?  

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

recipes and lectures

So I was looking for an herbal food idea to cook up and found this website that has some recipe ideas:

I have some other links to share, too, if you want to see some lectures:

michael pollan lecture on bees and agriculture:

Jill Bolte Taylor's Stroke of Insight (that Gail and Autumn keep talking about)

Valayanur ramachandran:


Welcome to our new blog!  Here we can ask each other questions, share recipes, post links to great websites and lectures, post pictures from our camping trips and other fun excursions, write odes to herbs, share the great new herb pun we thought up (Zia!), write about our experiences at herb school, go on and on about jerusalem sage and how yummy the nectar is...whatever.  You can even post anonymously if you want to share that really embarrasing story about your bitters experience but don't want to feel bitter about it the next day.  Enjoy!